Sunday, June 2, 2013


Just a little something about how I feel about “growing up”.
GROW UP! We have all heard it... In whatever shape or form it came, all of us have heard it. But why should we be in such a hurry to “grow up”? What is so great about it? For a while I have been thinking about this because I’m in that strange transition into “adulthood”. I have an issue with this, and that issue is with the mind set that comes along with growing up... I just don’t like it. Its not anything having to do with being mature, or taking responsibility for yourself, or doing what needs to be done to be successful, those are things that should be done.
WHAT does bug me is that as we grow up we tend to put LIMITS on things... why? Because when we were younger we had people constantly telling us things are "impossible", or “you can’t do that”, “stop that”,or people telling us what we should be doing, etc. We took those words from those people and started creating mental limitations, barriers, and what we think is “right” and “wrong”.  
As a kid, I remember the VASTS amount of creativity and open mind I had. I thought that anything was possible. Things like being the president, flying, going outer space, jumping into a HUGE body of water even though I didn’t know how to swim, having super powers, being the best artist in the world, having huge amounts of money at my disposal, achieving the most outrageous goals, it was all possible to me. When we are younger we take chances, RISKS, we have FAITH and BELIEVE in ourselves, and our abilities because we have very little mental limitations, and we do not have a definition for the "impossible". When we are children there is no such thing, it is ALL POSSIBLE. 
This is what I see is different in a lot of “adults” today, they don’t take any risks and they loss a sense of faith. I can relate to this. I have seen myself little by little losing faith in my skills and not take as many risks as I used to when I was younger. I think about how I am now, and I just see how scared I am to go outside the box, try new things, go new places, almost EVERYTHING, its all from what I was told when I was younger. I have continuously heard (even as hilarious or stupid as it may sounds) “If you go here you’re going to get shot”, “if you go there you're going to die”, “you can’t do that it will set you back”, “thats too risky”, “that won’t work”, “thats not right”, caught my drift. I took all those words to heart, and I look at myself now, and I see that... I’M SCARED. This is something that I’ve been trying to fix over the years, but its a lot harder to get over than you may think. All of those years growing up and conditioning our minds that there is a LIMIT; its hard to break those mental barriers and limitations. Regardless, I know I can do it, and WILL do it, there is no reason to be scared to take risks and have faith that I am able to achieve the "impossible". Its all a mind set. I feel like If I were able to keep an open mind like when I was younger, I wouldn't have as many of these fears, and I would be a lot better off in trying things that are outside the box.
Why am I talking about this? The main issue I have with this is that through all those years of creating mental limitations when we are younger STOPS most people from believing that things that are actually possible to really be “impossible”. Most people like to feel safe and secure, doing what they have to do JUST to have security; therefore they don't take risks, they do the minimum, or they stop what they love to do just because others have told them that what they love to do, or what they plan to do will not land them a "secure" job, or “secure” livelihood. That is all fine and dandy, but I’d rather take chances, have faith in my abilities and risk toward things/ goals that I love, rather than listen to someone else telling me what I should do with my life, because I know I have the DESIRE, the MIND SET, and the SKILL to be successful. I want to take those risks to get toward the goals I most want.
Why have a plan “B” when you can make plan “A” work for you? If you have a plan “B”, to me that means that you are already doubting your success in plan “A”. Take whichever path takes you to your goal, even if the plan/ path you originally had in mind doesn’t appear, there are other ways to get to your goal. Don’t just drop your dreams to be “secure”. Be creative, have faith, and dream BIG!
“The creative adult is the child who has survived.”
Those are my thoughts.

Instagram: (@BG_Designs)